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Everything a Beginner Hunter Needs to Know About Finding and Tracking Whitetail Deer

Game Cuff Big Buck Deer Drag
Deer are easly spooked by sudden movements or loud noises

Whitetail deer hunting is a popular pastime for hunters of all skill levels, but for beginners, it can be a daunting task. Finding and tracking whitetail deer requires knowledge, skill, and patience. In this blog post, we'll cover everything a beginner hunter needs to know about finding and tracking whitetail deer, including the total number of licenses sold in 2022, the total number of deer harvested in 2022, and the number of shooting accidents in 2022.

Understanding the Whitetail Deer

Before you can start hunting whitetail deer, it's important to understand their behavior and habitat. Whitetail deer are most active at dawn and dusk, and they typically bed down in dense

cover during the day. They have an incredible sense of smell and hearing, which makes them very difficult to hunt. In addition, they are very skittish and can be easily spooked by sudden movements or loud noises.

Finding the Right Spot

Once you understand the behavior and habitat of whitetail deer, the next step is to find the right spot to hunt. Look for areas with good cover and clear lines of sight, such as near a food source or along a deer trail. Use natural cover, such as trees or bushes, to conceal yourself from the deer. You can also use trail cameras to scout potential hunting locations and to get an idea of when and where the deer are most active.

Tracking the Deer

Once you've found a good hunting spot, the next step is to track the deer. Look for signs of deer

Big Bucks Game Cuff Deer Drags Buck Cuffs
Look for signs of deer activity, such as tracks, rubs, and scrapes.

activity, such as tracks, rubs, and scrapes. Fresh tracks can indicate that the deer are nearby, while rubs and scrapes can indicate the presence of a mature buck. Use binoculars to scan the area for movement, and be prepared to wait for the perfect shot opportunity.

Statistics on Whitetail Deer Hunting

According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, there were over 13 million hunting licenses sold in the United States in 2022. Of those, over 10 million were for big game hunting, including whitetail deer. In 2022, hunters harvested over 6 million deer, with whitetail deer being the most commonly hunted species. However, it's important to note that hunting can be dangerous if not done properly. In 2022, there were over 1,000 shooting accidents reported in the United States, many of which could have been prevented with proper safety measures.

Using a Deer Drag

Game Cuff Deer Drags Buck Cuff Deer Drags
Don't get caught in the woods barehanded

After you've successfully harvested a deer, the next step is to drag it out of the woods. A deer drag is a tool used to drag a deer's carcass out of the woods. There are many different types of deer drags, including sleds, ropes, and carts. Choose a deer drag that works best for you, based on the terrain and the weight of the deer. Get Buck Cuff Deer Drags at - Use promocode Newsletter2023 for 10% off your entire order.


In conclusion, finding and tracking whitetail deer requires knowledge, skill, and patience. Understanding the behavior and habitat of whitetail deer, finding the right hunting spot, and tracking the deer are all essential steps in a successful hunt. And once you've harvested a deer, using a deer drag is an important tool for safely removing the carcass from the woods. Remember to always hunt ethically and safely, and to follow all local hunting laws and regulations.



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